Could you help us be ready to welcome residents to Roffey Place this winter?

We have a variety of volunteering opportunities available.

Join us on site for two weeks in November to paint, garden, clean, build furniture and more. Whether you’re an individual looking to make a difference in your community, a group of friends wanting to do some team building or work colleagues searching for the ideal charity day, we welcome you to lend your skills between 14th November and 25th November. From a few hours to half a day to multiple days – any time you can offer will be hugely appreciated. As the old saying goes, many hands make light work!

Only available at weekends? Not a problem. We also have a volunteering day on Saturday 3rd December, when, once again, all are welcome to help us ensure this ground-breaking new service opens in time for winter.

To register your interest or for more information, please email or phone 01903 680740.

We are also searching for volunteers to become part of the Roffey Place team once the service is open. There are volunteering opportunities across a variety of roles. Please visit our volunteering page for further details. Roles are updated regularly so please check back for new opportunities.

I feel like a human being again.

I can see a plan ahead of me now. I see every step as part of a journey – to the top of a mountain.

When I get to the top of the mountain I will shout at the top of my lungs “thank you” to everyone that has helped me.

At times in my life, I have had no one to help me – but through Turning Tides I have changed such a lot. I can start to trust again and see how people can care for one another. I feel respected. I feel like a human being again.

My Life - Steve