Lesley’s leap of a lifetime

June 2023

Lesley Partridge will be taking to the skies and diving from an astounding 13,000 ft on Saturday 9th September. This will be the 71 year-old’s first-time skydiving, but she’s determined to take the leap to fundraise to support people experiencing homelessness in our commuity.

The Worthing local is passionate about homelessness. For many years she has felt angered about the way people experiencing homelessness are treated in society. Knowing people are sleeping rough in our community is something Lesley finds impossible to ignore. Because of this, Lesley is a long-term supporter of Turning Tides, her local homelessness charity.

On a visit to our website, Lesley spotted the upcoming skydive. Her son, who has sadly passed away, had always wanted to skydive. Lesley saw this as a sign – a perfect opportunity to remember her son as well as make a difference in her community by supporting local people experiencing homelessness.

Since signing up there and then, Lesley has raised an amazing £1000 through sponsorship. She said:

My friends don’t believe I’m going to do it! But I certainly am, and they have been really supportive through their donations. I’ve always admired the work Turning Tides do in our community so the more I can raise doing the skydive the better. I’m heading off to the Eden Project this month and will be doing the famous zip wire down there, which I’m seeing as a bit of ‘training’ for the big day!

If you’re feeling inspired by Lesley, you too can join Team Turning Tides for the ultimate adrenaline rush on Saturday 9th September. A small registration fee of £50 will secure your place in the skies. Find out more and sign up.

Show your support to Lesley and the rest of the Team Turning Tides skydivers by donating to their JustGiving Page