
In Horsham and Mid Sussex we provide outreach support. Additionally, due to the constraints placed on our Community Hub provision during Covid-19, we are extending outreach in both Worthing and Littlehampton; to ensure everyone in temporary housing is safe and fully supported.

Outreach involves identifying men and women who are sleeping rough in the community. We will then work closely with the local authority and other providers, to engage with the person so we can assess and respond to their needs. We work to reduce the risks they face to their health, wellbeing, personal safety, self care and much more.

Our experienced Outreach workers carry out positive, flexible and frequent sessions to ensure clients needs are met on a practical and emotional level with the hope they can move into suitable accommodation to start their journey out of homelessness.

Community Inclusion
Move On Housing
Co Production
Find Support
Health and Wellbeing

How I became homeless

The men and women we support have permitted us to share how their life unravelled into homelessness. You will see that not one is alike.

How someone becomes homeless is both complex and varied. Our support and services are person centred to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our work focuses on empowering people to achieve the fulfilling life they desire. 

Other ways to get help

If you, or someone you know, is at risk of or has become homeless, please visit our help section to find out other local sources of advice and support.

You can find lots of useful local services who can provide practical information and advice on a range of matters such as housing, benefits, money management, mental wellbeing and much more.

You can find the contact details of your local council and the Frequently Asked Questions will signpost you to other sources of support.
