Sophia’s Story


I found myself homeless after escaping an abusive relationship. My mental health was in a terrible state, and I was struggling to deal with all the feelings I had about what had happened to me. Everything changed when I became involved with Turning Tides – I began to feel safe and hopeful for the future.

Joe’s Story

Joe's Story

I don’t remember how long I was homeless; it took me many years to ask for help. But once I went to St Clare’s Hub I soon realised how supportive the staff are there. Now I have a roof over my head and I don’t have to risk my health anymore. I want to share my story so that people can understand and treat us like human beings.

Zoe’s Story


I was in a relationship that was abusive – physically and mentally. After having a fit in town, I thought hard about how I could get away. I remembered people speaking about Turning Tides, so I took a few belongings and they took me in. I stayed with Turning Tides for 3 years – they helped me rebuild my life.

Simon’s Story


The charity really has been such a godsend. If I could rate them on an app, I would press on the five stars all day long. Without their support and those who help fund the charity, I honestly do not know where I would be right now. It frightens me to think about it. I am proof that becoming homeless can happen to anyone.

Ben’s Story

Ben's life

When you live on the streets, you just can’t see how you are going to do anything else with your life. It takes everything out of you to just survive. Gradually, depression, despair and embarrassment took hold. When I moved in with Turning Tides, it was the first time in a very long time that I felt safe and had a reason for living.

Gemma & Dale’s Story

Clients Gemma and Dale

We went from speedboats and holidays to living in a car for a year – it has been a difficult journey for us both. With the help of Turning Tides, who went above and beyond, we are on the right path to turning our lives around – and coming out stronger on the other side. They helped us out of what seemed inescapable.