Gift a future this Christmas
The best gift you could give this Christmas is a hopeful future to someone experiencing homelessness.
At Turning Tides, we don’t believe in ‘sticking plaster solutions’. We look at the long term – supporting people through recovery from the trauma of homelessness onto a pathway to greater strength and independent living. This Christmas, you could gift someone in your community a future without homelessness.
We offer a wide range of services, ensuring long-term solutions out of homelessness. With close to 40 different projects run by experienced staff and volunteers, Turning Tides ensures each person has a tailored plan that works for them. If someone has suffered a lifetime of trauma it can take years to find a new way to live. Many of our staff and volunteers have lived experience of homelessness and know how hard it can be to build a future that is better than anything you’ve known in your past. But we always believe change is possible and never give up on anyone.
Our autumn appeal highlighted the story of Guy, who despite working full-time had been living in a disused shed in the West Sussex countryside for four years.
Turning Tides outreach worker Nick Wigginton was in contact with Guy, and worked with him to find secure accommodation. We’re delighted to report that Guy recently moved into his own flat. Here’s what he says about his experience:

“I am enjoying the flat immensely; it is coming together nicely. I find it interesting how easily I am forgetting the way I lived a few months ago; probably because the way I live now has moved on so much and I have not been looking back. This time last year I would have not long been back at the shed after a long ride in the dark and then cutting up wood by torch light in the wet and mud outside, with numb fingers pushing a saw. Then I’d have to cart it inside and prepare the fire-stove and wait for an hour before the room thermometer would actually start moving up by one degree. Now I’m sitting in my T-shirt as I write, with the central heating on.”
We’re very aware that everyone’s circumstance is different. Whatever you’re able to give is hugely appreciated. Your donation will directly help people to find a way out of homelessness.
Could help with digital equipment and training, enabling people to develop life and employment skills.
could provide half a day’s specialist support in one of our life-saving community hubs
could help someone regain a sense of self-worth through an hour’s healthcare and/or counselling
Thank you.

I feel like a human being again.
I can see a plan ahead of me now. I see every step as part of a journey – to the top of a mountain.
When I get to the top of the mountain I will shout at the top of my lungs “thank you” to everyone that has helped me.
At times in my life, I have had no one to help me – but through Turning Tides I have changed such a lot. I can start to trust again and see how people can care for one another. I feel respected. I feel like a human being again.