Donate By Phone
Phone us on: 01903 680748
Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm

Donate By Mail
Cheque payable to: Turning Tides, sent to: Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1HA

Donate By BACS
Donate by BACS to: Turning Tides Homelessness
Account Sort Code: 40-47-23, Account No: 31498959

We are so grateful to our supporters. With your help we can make a difference.
Your support can change a life
£3: is a hot breakfast for someone sleeping rough, for some, the only hot meal of the day
£12: provides someone with a morning in our Hub with breakfast, hot shower, clean clothes taking their first steps out of homelessness
£25: helps someone regain a sense of self-worth through healthcare and counselling
£70: pays for our Support Workers to provide advice, guidance and support – from housing and benefit applications to CV writing and training courses
£100: pays for one day of Outreach Services in Horsham and Mid Sussex, engaging rough sleepers with our services